Welcome to the Chios Level III. This level contains some very advanced, powerful and extraordinary energy healing techniques that will make available to you the full power of Chios and lead you towards mastery of energy healing. As you begin your study of this level, you may choose to receive the third Chios attunement (the Chios Master Teacher attunement). As with Chios Levels I and II, it is not required that you receive this attunement, should you wish to learn and practice the techniques in this level, but the attunement will assist you in practicing them to maximum effectiveness. This third attunement elevates your energy, color and light channeling abilities to the highest level provided by the series of three Chios attunements. It also accomplishes one other purpose: it gives you the inner ability to attune others. You will be able to perform the attunement procedures used in the Chios system—the attunements you yourself have received—to attune and teach your own healing students, if you wish. These attunements may be given in person or by distance attunement, and you will be given the information on exactly how to perform the attunements upon your completion of the Chios Master Teacher degree. Because this third attunement is the strongest attunement of all, and the attunement that gives you the ability to attune others, it is of great importance that you prepare very carefully for it. One highly recommended adjunct to Chios Level III is the practice of the Chios Meditation technique. To learn Chios Meditation is not at all required, to practice all the new healing techniques in this level. It will assist you, however, in learning to contact the state of pure consciousness—the source of all your healing knowledge and healing power—and in acquiring the visualization, perceptual, intuitive and other abilities that are so beneficial for your successful practice of energy healing. It is impossible to overemphasize the benefits to you and your healing work that regular practice of this meditation practice will bring. After you have learned Chios Meditation, it is also suggested that you practice the self-realization exercises in the chapter that follows the meditation instructions: The Self-Knowledge of the Healer. These exercises will accelerate your personal growth and further add to the advanced abilities useful in healing work. That is why meditation and these advanced exercises are provided as part of the Chios system. INTRODUCTION: THE MASTER HEALER AS A TOOL, A VEHICLE FOR PURE CONSCIOUSNESS In Chios Levels I and II we talked a great deal about openness, and this openness came in many forms: 1) simply being open to the energy as you first learned energy channeling; 2) being open to whatever sensations and information comes, as you practice the passing of hands; 3) remaining open to the entire energy field of your patient; 4) releasing yourself and being fully open to receiving intuitive information; 5) openness as the key to learning to view the aura; 5) remaining open to the sensations and information that comes, during energy channeling; 7) remaining open and transparent while using specific active healing techniques, and 8) becoming open to the chakra colors and the information they bring. Every time we mentioned this openness, it was to encourage you to develop the holistic awareness and action so important in healing, and to reinforce the fact that every aspect of your healing work is performed with your whole being. The knowledge and power contained in the field of pure consciousness is the ultimate source of all healing, and it is you, as an open and clear channel to this higher realm, that makes your healing work possible, whether you are using receptive (perceptual and informational) healing tools to gain healing knowledge or active healing techniques to channel the healing power in the specific ways needed. Every single healing technique you employ is simply a tool to make this connection clearer and more effective, in the specific way needed at that time, as you bring this healing knowledge and power into manifested worldly life to heal your patient. We also talked much about the fact that ultimately you, your patient, your patient's energy field (and every energy flow or energetic phenomenon within it) and every healing tool you use are ultimately one. This ultimate unity is not just the reality of energy healing, but of all existence. In the apparent multiplicity of the manifested world we live in, there is actually only one thing that exists. There is only one unitary, holistic entity behind everything, and that is pure consciousness. It may appear to us that the specific "parts" of the universe—the objects and entities we see in the world—have a "separate" existence, but this is only an appearance and illusion. All is one. Everything we see, sense and feel emanates from this field of pure consciousness, as a particular form materialized from the infinite knowledge and power that resides within it. The state of awareness of this ultimate reality is called self-realization. In this state, this essence of all creation—this unity containing the infinite knowledge and power we use in healing—often appears as a light that shines from in and around everything. When you the healer perform a healing treatment in the spirit of openness we have recommended you begin to gravitate towards this state of self-realization. You naturally begin to leave your worldly self behind as you open yourself to the energy, your patient and your patient's energy field and merge with them, and instead become this state of universal awareness, more and more. You may have noticed small steps toward this already in your healing work, and this is the beginning of your journey into this larger reality. As you practice energy healing you gain momentum; healing itself accelerates your own personal growth towards this state. As you move into this state—where you and your patient and all the healing tools and techniques are one—you the healer tend to "disappear" as an individual entity and instead become this state of pure consciousness. This state, and the infinite knowledge and power that exists within it, has actually always been inside you, waiting to be discovered. The more you are able to realize and move into this state, the more of its infinite knowledge and power will be available to you as you heal. In Chios Level III you will work extensively with the chakra system and the higher layers of aura, using a new series of very powerful techniques. The chakra system is a seven-step connection between the field of pure consciousness and the individual—it is a "rainbow bridge," a series of receptors and transmutors of incoming energy/consciousness from this higher realm, each with its own color and its own domain of influence over the entire life process of your patient. The chakras are each a way things work and a realm of being and consciousness, and yet they all relate to each other, and are all one. The higher layers of aura relate to the chakras—each layer of aura corresponds to a chakra—and just as each chakra is a realm of being and consciousness, a realm of existence with its own nature and function within the overall being of the individual. This is true for the astral body, the etheric template body, the cosmic body and the ketheric template body—the remaining 4th through 7th layers of aura that we hadn't mentioned thus far but that you will now learn to see and work on in this Chios level. The layers of aura mirror the chakra system, and like it are a seven-step bridge of translation between the realm of pure consciousness and physical life. And yet all these parts of your patient's energy field are one—they intimately influence each other and are not really separate entities. In Chios Level III you will practice sensing and becoming these apparently different parts of your patient's energy field—you will come to know these realms of being and consciousness, and also access the maximum power available to you to heal them. And yet, they are (and will ultimately appear to you as) all one.

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